I am delighted to announce that a portion of our invoices will be donated to the Stollery Children’s Hospital. In our life we have been touched with our own individual experience and witnessed the children and their parents experiences. This is a small way to contribute.
Our Story
On October 13, 2013 my son at 20 months old was diagnosed with stage IV Neuroblastoma cancer. The cancer was spread throughout his body,this was the most devastating news a parent could receive. For the next 16 months he would undergo treatment at the Stollery Children’s Hospital. A place we soon called home. He fought through the treatment and beat the cancer. He is alive and well!
What I witnessed through this journey, was the dedication and love of all the staff at the Stollery. Bringing the most amazing care possible to not only my son but all the sick children. The constant concern for the children’s families well-being faced during these hard times. Helping anyway they could!
The Stollery Children’s Hospital saved my son’s life and will continue to do so for the many other sick children. This is why I will always be a proud supporter of the Stollery Children’s Hospital.
Here is a link to explain how donations help the Stollery Children’s Hospital